
Split Ends Remedy

Split Ends Remedy

Over washing
Exposure of hair to the sun, heat, dust and pollution.
Excessive use of hair styling tools, like curlers and straighteners.
Excessive use of hair styling cosmetics, like gels, serums, and sprays.
Washing of hair with hot water.
Lack of routine maintenance, like cutting and trimming.
Using inferior quality combs, pins, and headbands.
Not oiling the hair properly.
Overusing chemical treatments, like hair color, perms, etc.
One of the ever best remedies to make your strands free from split ends, dryness, and dullness is the application of egg. There are various ways, in which, the egg can be applied to your hair.
Showering your hair with hard water, like chlorine mixed water of pools. Home Remedies for Split Ends 1. Egg
A beaten egg with a spoon of water can also be applied as shampoo.
You can apply egg mixed with olive oil/almond oil and honey as a hair mask, and wash off after 30-45 minutes.
You can also pour orange juice and a banana in two eggs and apply as a hair mask. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash off.