Remove facial hair
2 tablespoons of chickpea flower
1 teaspoon turmeric
Milk or yogurt
You can find all these ingredients in any well – stocked
supermarket or health food shop. You can make chickpea
flour yourself. In a good coffee mill grind the chickpeas or
buy it at the health food store.
How to prepare?
Start with mixing the turmeric and flour of chickpea in a
pot and add a little milk (or yogurt) to it so to unite the
ingredients and thus get a thick mixture.
Next, apply the mixture to the desired zone in the
direction of hair growth and leave it for about 20 minutes,
until it dries out. Rub with a clean cotton cloth or brush
dipped in lukewarm water and rinse your face.
You should be aware that turmeric has a yellow color,
which will give a nice tone of your face. Because of that
after treatment you will need to carefully wash your face.
The treated area may be slightly red, but in short period of
time it will subside. This is due to anti – inflammatory
properties of turmeric.
It is recommended to use this treatment 3 – 4 times a
week for a month